Sunday, September 16, 2018

module 3: art elemented?

elements of art
elements of art embedded

Chloe Carr
Module #3

This project was very interesting yet challenging for me. I've never really though much about the elements of art until I found myself looking for them in my everyday life. People have always said that art is always around us, and now I truly understand how true that statement is.

Lines: The very first picture I took was the image of the fan. After I took it I realized that it could represent two separate elements of art; lines and motion. The reason I decided to let it represent lines is because I feel like the lines are more obvious than the moving blades.

Value: The black and white, or noir image of a chair against a wall was chosen to represent value because of the heavy contrast between black and white and the different shades of gray.

Space: Space is shown in the picture of a hand holding Christmas lights because of the area behind and above the hand and lights. I struggled a little while finding a way to show space but I think out of all of the pictures I took that could have represented space, the picture I chose was the closest one.

Movement: The water in the image shows movement because the water is being sprayed out of the spout and then jumps in different directions when it hits the surface of the sink, which is shown in the picture itself.

Contrast: The potholes in grass shows contrast for mutltiple reasons. For one, the actual texture of the potholes is extremely different than that of the grass, which is much softer. Secondly, the vibrant green color of the grass is a big contrast to the copper color of the pot holes.

Pattern: This element seemed to me the most easiest because it was easier to recognize a pattern than any other element. The image displayed in the photo album for patterns shows a living room carpet that has a very interesting pattern on it.

Texture: The ground is split in half to reveal one side with a design and another side with plain cement. This shows texture because you can see how high off the ground the cement with the design is and you can almost imagine how it feels if you were to actually touch it.

Emphasis: I really like the picture I took for emphasis because it was one of the hardest pictures I took while I was doing this project. The bottle cap on the table stands out more for emphasis because the background is blurred and that is the only thing that has a focus.

Unity: The image of the sunflowers shows unity because it shows balance in the sea of flowers regardless of the fact that not all of them are pointing in the same exact direction.

Balance: Balance is shown in the image of the sun above clouds in the sky because of the slight division of the clouds and sun. There is also a very subtle symmetry in the image.

Proportion: There is proportion in the picture I took because everything in the image has its own perspective size and shape. There's depth in the sky and the gate on the grass is as it should be when compared to the grass and sliver of buildings in the background.

Shapes: The picture of the gutter with designs next to the ground that has lines shows shapes because the design in the gutter are made out of shapes.

Form: The chair shows form because a form is defined as an object that is three-dimensional.

Color: You can see the different colors in the ball on the wall through the bends and folds of the reflective paper/aluminum itself.


  1. I love all of your images! I liked your color image, its always hard to imagine how something so small can give off so many colors. For my line image i also used a fan! Great job!

  2. I thought you did a good job of taking pictures to represent each element and principles. Although, some of them were not as obvious until reading your description about why you chose them in your blog. For instance, the photo for color does show color, I would have expected the color to stand out a bit more though. That photo to me would have been a better choice for space in my opinion.

  3. My favorite image of yours is the one for texture. You did a really great job of linking all of the images to each element and principal.


module #15: me myself and i

Chloe Carr 12/13/18          1. I selected the inspired pieces because I've always been a fan of Frida Khalo and the way she...