Chloe Carr
AED 200
1. I found it to be fairly easy to create my new gmail account. I think this is because I've made enough accounts which has helped me understand how to set one up. Unlike making a gmail account, I found it somewhat difficult when setting up my blog. What helped me create my blog were the directions given on blackboard.
2. I am extremely excited for this course. I find all kinds of art to be beautiful in their own way and I would like to better understand art in its entirety. I expect to learn more about art than I know now, which isn't much. I want to be able to look at art differently and analyze and evaluate what I see.
3. Taking an online class will be very different for me but I am also very excited for the change. I worry that it will take me some time to adjust to not being in a physical classroom with my professor and peers but I do think that this experience will be a great one.
4. Out of all of the things in the Growth Mindset videos, I believe sacrafices, getting the hang of things, and getting used to and learning from my failures best applies to me. In order to be successful in school and life in general, I have to learn from what I do wrong and work on it. I have to go back to my errors until I've found a way to correct and perfect them. I also believe that making sacrafices for school is a must. If I am not doing well with any aspect of a class, or if I don't understand something, I have to put aside everything else in my social life to focus more on better understanding what I don't get. Coming to college has also given me a whole other way of life that I have learned to get used to. I've had to adjust to my living conditions and studying methods, but I believe it was all worth it.